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作者:佚名     时间:2017-07-19     浏览:956    

1. For relaxation


In the photo above, I've placed two yoga blocks underneath my bolster. One block is on its short side so that it's giving me as much height as possible, and the one closest to me is resting on its long side, so it's providing support. Then, I place the bolster over the two and carelly lean back. For the bottom half of the body, you could take baddakonasana legs (first picture), or extend them like in savasana.


2. For low back release


If low back tension is an issue, give a bolster a try and see if that s. This is where it's a good idea to choose a high quality, heavy bolster that will provide ample support. Place the bolster underneath the iliac crest (tops of your hips) at whatr height feels best to you. From there, take bridge pose, but instead of pressing into the feet to lift the hips, let your hips completely rest on the bolster.


3. For improved flexibility


If you have tight inner thighs or are working on splits, place a bolster out in front while you're in wide legged forward fold, and drape the upper body over top. As flexibility improves, you can flip a rectangular bolster to lower the height and get deeper into the stretch.

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